Pool Rules & Policies
Lifeguards are only on duty occasionally or for special events; use pool at your own risk.
We are not responsible for accidents or injuries.
This page highlights a few key reminders. Please review the complete list of rules before joining us in the pool.

​​​Children under 14 must have an adult accompanying them.
Use proper swim attire - no cutoffs, cotton t-shirts, street clothes in the pool. The fibers from these items clog the filters and cause maintenance issues.
Your key is provided for you and your family to use. Do not make extra copies for friends.
Don't hold the gate open for others, members must have their key to enter.
Be sure gate locks behind you.
Family memberships cover all members residing in the household. Guest passes can be purchased for $5.
No food or drink in the pool.
No glass anywhere!
Please clean the BBQ pits when through (clean grates while warm with added aluminum foil or brush)
Please remove ALL pizza boxes, and other large food waste (e.g. watermelon rinds). Do not place in the garbage cans.
This helps prevent unexpected visitors
(i.e. rodents!!).

Pool Safety Rules
No running/horseplay allowed on the concrete.
No yelling or cursing.
Diving only allowed in the deep areas (5 ft or more).
No wheeled or rolling ride-on toys.
No animals allowed in the pool area. We encourage them to enjoy the dog park!
Please turn off the pool lights if you are the last to leave. The switch is on the far side of the pump house.
Indemnification Policy
When you purchase a membership, you'll be asked to accept our policy, which includes the following:
I/we agree to abide by all City/County health and safety orders in effect.
I understand this is a non-profit organization and I understand and agree that there shall be no liability against the Association or its Officers for the performance or non-performance or acts done in its or their respective capacities.
I/we indemnify the Association and use the facilities at our own risk.
I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association.
I further understand that failure to abide by these rules may result in revocation of membership without refund.
For comments or questions please feel free to contact us at robindellpool@gmail.